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Cam Whitmore

Cybersecurity Expert

Arizona State University

I lead a team of security professionals at a large tech company, where we focus on developing robust security frameworks and mitigating risks to ensure the safety and integrity of our systems and data. My goal is to stay ahead of the curve in cybersecurity trends and continuously enhance our defense mechanisms against evolving cyber threats.
Visit my Articles here :
The Ultimate Guide to SaaS HR in 2024

Ensuring Efficient Cloud-Native Backup and Recovery

Optimizing Your Data Protection: The 2024 Guide to Nutanix Backup Strategies

How to backup sql database

Managed service providers: A gateway for cyber attacks

Securing your data: Explaining NAS backup for cloud and local environments

Disaster Recovery Planning with AWS EC2 Backup - Pub-CE

6 Best Practices For Ransomware Protection

Ransomware Protection and Prevention Guide: Safeguarding Your Data and Systems

9 Important Security Practices For Email Marketing

How To Create Exceptional Value As An MSP For Businesses?